This dark comedy/drama captures a sixty-year-old’s attempt to recover from the dysfunctional family that haunts her. Cloud Climbing follows Julia Carter through twenty-four hours of unanticipated chaos. Julia is determined the cycle of violence and mental illness gone unchecked will end with her. She will not pass her family’s dysfunction on to her son, Casey.
On an icy New Year’s Eve, Julia is surrounded by expected and unexpected guests. Her estranged mother has been crashing in her guest suite for three weeks. Her ex-wife and Casey’s other parent, Dr. Simone Cox, is forced to stay overnight because of Oklahoma’s freakishly fickle weather. Julia’s ex-boyfriend is also in attendance. The only invited guest is Julia’s best friend, Keavy, whom she hasn’t seen in two years because of the Covid virus.
Things go much further awry when an old adversary walks through her front door, uninvited and definitely not wanted.
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